Become an Affiliate
for Melinda's Chakra Game Of LIFE™
As a Melinda’s Chakra Game of Life™ Affiliate, you can earn income by finding appropriate venues,
and by promoting this workshop to your list, community and network of contacts.
Can we teach the concept of awakening? I believe we do so by bringing awareness to the ways we get in our own way, and then by offering simple tools to dissolve the energetic interference that stands in the way of our becoming. This is the intention of Melinda’s Chakra Game of Life™.
Melinda’s Chakra Game of Life™ is a unique experience that takes us on a journey of awakening to our inherent potential, and to what we may need to shift in order to
What you get
• 10% of workshop revenue
• Marketing Materials including email marketing pieces, social media posts for Instagram and Facebook
• The opportunity to be an assistant facilitator for Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™
• Assistantship credit toward your certification as a Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™ Facilitator
allow our gifts to be more fully realized in our lives.
As we do in our physical and psychological development, we start at the root chakra and discover what is getting in the way of us fully embodying our human vehicle. Just as in life, obstacles show up unexpectedly and end up being powerful teachers.
We realize talents and abilities that have been pushed down or unrecognized, and we begin to expand the limiting ideas we have for ourselves.
What I Need
• Appropriate venues
• Marketing support
• Assistants
• Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™ facilitators to take this experience world wide!
There are 3 different formats available to suit your audience and venue.
Weekend Workshop
• Friday evening experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday game day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation and more into the journey experience
• Sunday morning movement practice and Sharing the Journey
Friday & Saturday Workshop
• Friday evening experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday game day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation into the game play
• Saturday afternoon Sharing the Journey
Saturday Workshop
• Saturday morning experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday mid-day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation into the game play
• Saturday afternoon Sharing the Journey
Are you ready to Begin?
email Melinda to discuss dates and details!