Sacred Centers Faculty 2019
Sacred Center Chakra Yoga Teacher 2018
Energy Medicine Yoga 2017
Mudra Teacher & Therapist 2016
Clear Your Beliefs Practitioner 2015
200 hr Sivananda Teacher Training 2004
Sacred Centers Faculty It is one of my greatest honors to be part of Anodea Judith's Sacred Centers Faculty. As part of the group of Core Teachers, I offered Chakra-Energetics: Into the Subtle Realm at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in February 2022. I will be offering this, and other courses that are required curriculum Sacred Centers Co-Heart level, and Professional certification, at other locations in the future. Please contact me to schedule your own event or to learn more.
Chakra Yoga integrates the traditional practices of asana and pranayama, together with unique exercises to work more directly with the chakras. The practice helps to release blockages and restore balance to our energy centers, in order to allow the energy of consciousness to move more freely through us.
Energy Medicine weaves the Energy Medicine Practices of Donna Eden into the Yoga practice, amplifying the profound effects of yoga on our energy systems. The practices are simple and subtle and very effective at creating balance and integration which supports a more healthy body and mind.
Mudra Teacher & Therapist The addition of Mudras to the yoga practice and teacher has deepened the meditative and energetic benefits. The Mudras place the arms, hands and fingers in specific positions that speak directly to our energy systems thereby effecting our mental and emotional states and creating a more balanced system more capable of remaining centered and healing.
As a Mudra Teacher I integrate mudras into classes and also lead Mudra Classes and Workshops with specific themes.
Mudra Therapy involves one individual assessment and Mudra sequencing to address specific situations of the practitioner.
Clear Your Beliefs is a process developed by Lion Goodman that uncovers the limiting beliefs that determine our experience. The process is fun to do and does not involved any sort of hypnosis. The participant is fully awake and conscious throughout the process. Guided by the Clear Your Beliefs practitioner we uncover a limiting belief to clear, and then through the process the limiting belief is replaced by a more positive, expansive, belief that literally changes the life experience of the practitioner. Our beliefs determine the life we experience, if we change our beliefs, we change our lives!
Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training (TTC)
requires that you live at an Ashram for one month. The intention is to have the training resemble the Guru Kulu system of India, where the student would live
with the master teacher and learned from them. We rise together at 5:30 am to meditate in the temple at 6:00. Meditation is followed by chanting and a message from the Guru, read by one of the senior Swamis.
Morning practice is from 8 - 9:30/10:00 am
We follow the traditional Sivananda Yoga practice starting with pranayama and ending with guided relaxation.
Brunch is prepared and served by Karma Yogis at 10 am. The rest of the day includes classes in anatomy, philosophy, kirtan, and an afternoon practice at 4:00 pm. The afternoon practice is geared toward learning to teach and involves practice teaching sessions.
Dinner is served at 6:00 pm and the day ends back in the temple for evening meditation, kirtan and special guest presentations.
Immersing yourself in the yogic lifestyle for one month is a life changing experience.
Chakra-Energetics: Into the Subtle Realm
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, January 3-5, 2020
Click here for more information
Clear your beliefs
Click here to request more information
Mudra yoga
Mudra therapy
Click here for more informationor to schedule a private/semi-private session