Journeys through the chakras, using the methods of Chakra-Energetics offers life changing experiences. As we move the body and release bound up energy we open ourselves to allowing the energy of consciousness to move through us. This changes everything. From the way we look at the world, to the way we view ourselves. At the level of each chakra, we work through the limiting beliefs and other granthis, which in Sanskrit refers to "a difficult knot to untie", and we start to feel more space and freedom - more possibilities for ourselves as we awaken to the unlimited capacity of our divine Self.
The journeys that begin at the root chakra and take us to the crown, I think of as journeys of Self Realization. We awaken to our potential and capacity by examining and working through what limits us.
From crown to root is the route taken to manifest our ideas - our visions for ourselves and our world. We open the channel to bring heaven to earth and start realizing it is possible to live the life of our dreams.
Chakra-Energetic workshops and retreats are offered throughout the year. Please check the Workshops and Events page for the upcoming schedule and more information.
Creating on Purpose
Manifesting your creams through the chakras
Next series starting February 21, 2019
at Rasa Spa
Click here for more info and to register
This 7 week chakra workshop series takes you on a journey of manifestation through the chakras from crown to root, bringing your ideas into reality. At each step you will work with exercises to help remove the granthis or block that is preventing you from living the life of your dreams. The work includes journaling, partner and group discussion and will not involve yoga asanas. Developed by Anodea Judith, this course fulfills the Creating On Purpose requirement for Sacred Centers Co-Heart Certification.
A workbook that will be used during the workshop and can be reused as you to continue manifest your fullest potential.
Melinda's Chakra Journeys
Each 2 hour session we'll journey into one of our sacred energy centers, and discover ways to relax, restore and rejuvenate ourselves form the inside out.
We combine energy medicine practices, mudras and healing exercises with traditional practices of yoga asana, pranayama and meditation to increase harmony and balance, and open us up to the gifts of the chakras.

Weekly Series
Private or Semi-private sessions
Energy Medicine Yoga can also be offered as a weekly series and or in private sessions geared specifically
to your individual needs.
Regular practice has a cumulative effect and can be very helpful in addressing chronic conditions.
As we attend to the energy systems
of the body, we help the body evolve
to face the challenges of our present
day environment, and our overall health and balance can improve.
Click the links below to practice with Melinda online