From Earth to Enlightenment
Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™
Experience the journey!
If you are searching for a deeper understanding of who you are and why you are here, let Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™ help you find the answers you have been searching for.
October 7
10 AM - 4:30 PM
You will be given the address to the venue when you register.
This is a one day interactive workshop that will integrate;
• light movement •
• energy work •
• crystals •
• aromatherapy •
• personal inquiry •
• interaction with your Soul Group •
• a light lunch •
You will also receive a Melinda's Chakra Game of Life ™ Guidebook
where you can capture what you discover, and the insights you receive.
This Guidebook can be used as a reference tool after the workshop
as you continue on your way, From Earth to Enlightenment
guided by the wisdom of your sacred centers.
We will gather around the gameboard, set our intentions, and together with our Soul Group, move forward with faith!
Section Title
I call it the game of life because it maps out our life's journey as we grow and evolve toward a more awakened state. It confronts us with the challenges we all face as we try to answer life's questions; Why am I here? What am I meant to do? What is my purpose? How can I serve? And it helps us discover that the answers to our questions are already, and have always been, right here inside us.
Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™ takes you on an exploration From Earth to Enlightenment facing challenges along the way and receiving sacred gifts. Our chakras hold the key to our destiny and wellness. As you travel from root to crown, you will discover the ways your behaviors and beliefs actually get in the way of your transformation and growth. You will uncover the inherent gifts of the chakras that support your work moving through challenges, as you begin to awaken to your unique life expression. You will learn remedies in the form of mudras, crystals, aromatherapy, yoga asanas, and affirmations that resolve your challenges, and offer a wholistic approach toward well-being.
We grow through our challenges, by facing the tough stuff and awakening to a strength within.
Gain a greater understanding of why we face the challenges we do. Look at life's obstacles through the lens of the chakra system to offer insight that leads us from victim hood to growth. Gain a sense of solidarity, understanding that we all face similar challenges and how to see what gets in our way as opportunities to grow and evolve.
Each Challenge Card lists the gifts that will offer resolution. You can either draw the Gift Card you need, or a member of your Soul Group can intervene and offer you a Gift Card you need from their hand. Your support for one another is recognized with a quartz crystal, from the universe, to denote your selfless service.
Scroll through the sample Challenge Cards for each chakra.

As we awaken to your inherent gifts, we resolve our challenges.
If we can begin to look at the obstacles we face as opportunities for growth, our perspective shifts. We no longer function from a victim mindset, and instead become active participants in the way our life unfolds.
Each Challenge Card lists the Gifts you can use to resolve the challenge you are facing. Often the challenges that you draw magically align with what you are facing currently, or something you have buried deep and not had the courage to face. With the support of your Soul Group, you will have what you need to look at what is confronting you. You may draw the Gift Card you need to resolve the challenge you are facing, or someone in your group my offer you the gift you need from their hand, knowing it is in everyone's best interest for us all to rise up higher and reach enlightenment!
Scroll through the sample Gift Cards for each chakra.

Learn remedies for each chakra to resolve your challenges.
The universe offers us so many ways to resolve our challenges and move toward a more awakened state. Mudras, Asanas, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Affirmations, along with Energy Medicine Yoga practices are offered as tools of empowerment. These practices help us realize the inherent capacity to heal that we all have inside us. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way and explore the energy being inside this amazing human vehicle!
Scroll through the sample Remedy Cards for each chakra.

Karma is neither good or bad, it just is and we have to deal with it
The universe offers us so many ways to resolve our challenges and move toward a more awakened state. Mudras, Asanas, Crystals, Aromatherapy, Affirmations, along with Energy Medicine Yoga practices are offered as tools of empowerment. These practices help us realize the inherent capacity to heal that we all have inside us. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way and explore the energy being inside this amazing human vehicle!
Scroll through the sample Karma Cards for each chakra.

Bring Melinda's Chakra Game of Life™ to your studio or a venue near you!
There are 3 different formats available to suit your audience and venue.
Weekend Workshop
• Friday evening experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday game day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation and more into the journey experience
• Sunday morning movement practice and Sharing the Journey
Friday & Saturday Workshop
• Friday evening experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday game day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation into the game play
• Saturday afternoon Sharing the Journey
Saturday Workshop
• Saturday morning experiential introduction to the chakras through movement and activity
• Saturday mid-day interweaving the remedies of Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudras, Meditation into the game play
• Saturday afternoon Sharing the Journey
Contact Melinda for available 2024 dates!
Om Namah Sivaya