Sacred Centers
Teacher Training

April 14-19, 2024
Center for Yoga
& Health
Chakra Yoga Teacher Training: Opening the Inner Temple
Join Melinda Matzell and Gwen Rebbeck for Anodea Judith’s Chakra Yoga Teacher Training.
In this five-day immersion we will dive into a deep understanding of your sacred centers and train you how to teach the chakras to others, through posture, pranayama, and practice.
Use the principles and practices of Chakra Yoga to awaken your subtle energy and connect with your highest source. Unlock your inner temple, activating each chakra, and awaken to the guidance and potential that lies within. Energize your teaching with this elegant system that your students will love!
Time will be given for practice teaching so you can start to use your new skills right away!

This Chakra Yoga Teacher Training Immersion is appropriate for the following:
Yoga teachers who want to implement to chakra system into their classes and workshops
Yoga practitioners who want to revitalize their practice and enhance the physical, mental and emotional health benefits through Chakra Yoga
Anyone interested in understanding how to get out of their own way and discover how to live a more purposeful and fulfilled life
People looking to complete their certification with Anodea Judith as a Sacred Centers Chakra Teacher
For yoga teachers and practitioners with at least 1 year of yoga experience.

In this training, you will learn the following;
How to create a full morning practice with a sun salute variation for each chakra
How to sequence a posture flow for each chakra that you can make into a series of classes
Pranayama and bandhas for the chakras, including Kundalini breathing
Bioenergetic exercises to enhance energy flow and balance the chakras
Mantras and mudras for each chakra to support your practice
How to lead effective guided meditations that access the unconscious and activate the chakras
How to diagnose your students' excess and deficiency in the chakras by reading their bodies

Required text: Chakra Yoga by Anodea Judith
Suggested reading:
Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith
Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith
From Earth to Enlightenment: Your Chakra Guide to Freedom by Melinda Matzell