The Community Room at Rasa Spa offers the perfect atmosphere for our practice. Warm, peaceful and welcoming, one feels at ease as soon as you enter the space. I hope you'll join me in this cozy spot for our upcoming classes.
Thursdays 6:00 - 7:15 PM
March 7, 14, 21, 28
& April 4, 11
To Attend In Person
Use the first registration form below
Choose "In Person at Rasa Spa" when registering
Bring your mat and blocks or use the wonderful props, including blocks, blankets and other supports provided by Rasa
Register to reserve your spot. Space is limited to 9 yogis
Select how much you want to pay, and if you want to subscribe to our mailing list
Click the "Go to Checkout" button
Choose "offline" payment if you prefer to pay using a check or Venmo
All genders and levels of yogis are welcome.

Chakra-energetics YOga
Hybrid Classes
Offered Live In Person & Online
At Rasa Spa
Thursdays starting March 7
Series Registration and Drop In Registration Forms Below

Rasa Spa

You also have the option to join from the comfort of home via Zoom! Make sure you choose "In Person at Rasa Spa" or "Practice Online" when registering.
Chakra-Energetics Yoga integrates elements of the traditional Sivananda practice, which includes pranayama, asana and guided meditation, with Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga and Mudras.
The intention of the fusion of the practices is to open ourselves and access the energy of life force
and divinity. As love and consciousness flow into our energy systems, and notably our chakras, these energies facilitate our healing and awakening to the light of our full potential.

Prefer to Join Online?
Use the first registration form below
Choose "Practice Online" when registering
Space is unlimited!
Select how much you want to pay, and if you want to subscribe to our mailing list
Click the "Go to Checkout" button
If you prefer to pay using a check or Venmo, choose "offline" payment at checkout
310 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca, NY 14850
Part of Island Health & Fitness
Use the second registration form to drop in via Zoom or In Person
Choose the platform you prefer, "Practice Online" or "In Person at Rasa"
Choose the date you plan to attend
Select how much you want to pay, and if you want to subscribe to our mailing list
Click the "Go to Checkout" button