Mudra Yoga
Hand Yoga is a very ancient and revered practice that comes to us from the Mystery Schools of Egypt. By placing the fingers and hands in specific gestures to generate shifts within the energy centers (chakras) and meridians in the body.
In this way the Mudras empower the subtle energy body thereby adding strength to our physical body, mind and spirit.
The Mudras create a direct line between our energy body and our source, and provide a very profound experience of healing and awakening. Combined with breath work, positive affirmations and mantras, the Mudra Yoga practice offers a holistic way to restore well being, and maintain a healthy balance.
Explore MUDRAS!
RENEW Your Intention
Time to resurrect old dreams and refresh our intentions? Mudras for activating the energy in the lower chakras, facing the emotions that block our energy flow, and to encourage healthy changes to move us forward toward our vision.
REIGNITE Your Passion
What do you want to put your passion into? Your relationship? Finding love? Recommitting to your job or opening up to new possibilities for your career? Mudras to inspire creativity, release emotional blocks, open up to and allow experiences of pleasure into your life.
REVIVE Your Spirit
Imagine the possibilities with the focused energy of your spirit as a force behind your intention to create – what wouldn’t be possible? Mudras to recharge your energy center, build strength, prevent burnout and exhaustion and revitalize your divine assignment.
& RESTORE your Heart
We all walk around with heaviness in our hearts from past hurt and loss that cause us to be a bit protected and closed off. Mudras to release negative emotions, deal with difficult situations, heal and open the heart so we can live, and love, to our full potential.
Exploring your most important relationship
Connect with yourself more authentically, leading to deeper experience
of love and understanding of who you are, by acknowledging your beauty, your essence and divine virtue! Incorporating gentle movement, breath work, Mudras, guided meditation, and exploration into frequencies and sound healing, for a unique experience of restoration. Appropriate for all levels from absolute beginners to experienced practitioners.
Know Yourself
Get reacquainted with yourself on a physical, emotional and energetic level. Become aware of judgments and defenses and how they manifest
as tension in the body, rigidness in your thinking, and energy blockages. Mudras and gentle movements this week to start the process of release.
Heal Yourself
Understand your personal frequency and how it is effected by people, situations, what you take into your body, and your conscious and unconscious thought. Tools this week to restore a healthy frequency,
and move away from defensive patterns into a healthy, more open hearted, creative space.
Express Yourself
Realize the healing potential of sound and the capacity for conscious sound to release deeply held tension in the physical, emotional and
energy bodies. Work with nature sounds and the sounds of the chakras
to balance the energy centers and clear the sacred channel in order to connect deeply to what you have to say.
Accept Yourself
Acceptance comes from a place of deeper knowing of what and who
you truly are – beyond the physical dissatisfactions and the emotional distractions. Practices to help you connect to your intrinsic knowledge
and value.
Mudra Yoga Events
The Mudra Yoga workshops described on this page are examples of current or past events.
The series can be offered in 4 week sessions or as a weekend workshop.
Please contact us to bring Melinda to your local studio!
Please check the Workshops & Events page for information on upcoming classes.

for the month of March:
Mudra for Protecting your health
Click on the image above to practice this mudra with me!
The Mudra for Protecting Your Health. Work to increase your breathing to an inhale of 20, retention breath of 20 and an exhale of 20. Practice daily to support your immune system and protect your health.