Sacred Centers Faculty
It is one of my greatest honors to be part of Anodea Judith's Sacred Centers Faculty. As part of the group of Core Teachers, I will be offering Chakra-Energetics: Into the Subtle Realm at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in February 2022. I will also be offering this, and other courses that are required curriculum for Sacred Centers
Co-Heart level and Professional level certification, at other locations in 2022.
Chakra Energetics:Into the Subtle Realm fulfills the
102-Energy Awareness requirement for Co-Heart level certification. This course encourages the energy systems to integrate and align with Chakra Yoga, Energy Medicine Yoga, Mudra Therapy, Meditation Journeys and Healing Practices. The weekend program will include an exploration of the aura and its relationship to the chakras as well as a renewed perspective of grounding and an acknowledgment of our emotional and sensual consciousness. Participants will return home in a more awakened state, with tools to support the evolution to a state of balance. Please contact me to receive more information.
Chakra YOGA TEACHER TRAINING fulfills the 201-Chakra Yoga Teacher Training course for professional level certification for those on the Chakra Teacher track. Dates for this course TBA. Please contact me to receive more information.
Please contact me to schedule your own event or to learn more.